Icelandic Glacial Alkaline Water
Icelandic Glacial Alkaline Water is a natural spring water brand.

The Icelandic Glacial Alkaline Water is flavorless spring water that comes from Iceland's Ölfus Spring. According to the producer, the water is pure and has a low mineral content, so it won't overburden the palate with heavy metals, minerals, or silica. Icelandic water is said to be carbon neutral and alkaline with a pH of 8.4. Most people have said that the water gives a clean neutral taste but a few people have reported that the taste is too flat for their liking.
Icelandic Glacial Natural Spring Alkaline Water features and important details.
- Sourced from the Ölfus Spring in Iceland
- Natural alkaline water with a pH of 8.4
- Contains a low amount of minerals
- Carbon neutral
- Comes in a variety of Classic sparkling, Elderflower, Tahitian Lime, and Sicilian Lemon sparkling flavors.
Insightful Reviews
We've curated some of most helpful comments and reviews from people all over the world. Read what they had to say:.
“Love this water. Ever since I visited Iceland I fell in love with the water. When I came back to the UK I just couldn’t stand our tap water. It just tasted like chlorine / fluoride to me. Not to mention the hard water we are cursed with.” — Harold
“Initially I was hesitant about this product and actually did not initially rate it well BUT I gave it a second chance and the very next day I drank more of this water than I ever have any other. I have now drank this water for an entire week and just feel amazing. The taste is pure and neutral- you don't taste anything, it's water. I used to drink evian and Fiji on the regular, but I have drank other high-pH waters for many years BUT none of them were as easy to drink and tasted as neutral as this water.” — Andream
“so I’ve tried many different spring waters but until I tasted this one I don’t think I ever really knew what springwater should really taste like, this water is awesome worth every penny, I did a test myself to make sure that it wasn’t just my imagination because it tasted so clean and refreshing next to normal spring water...So I put regular springwater and the Glacial water in two of the same cups... same room temperature everything was the same, closed my eyes and switched the cups around so I wouldn’t know which water was in which cup and tasted it from each cup, every single time i chose the glacier water, try the test yourself, I will never go back to drinking regular spring water now that I have tasted glacier water” — Patricia