Safe Drinking Water Act

The Safe Water Drinking Act of 1974 and Water Safety Standards in the United States

Learn all about the water regulations and reasons behind the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 passed by Congress to ensure that Americans have clean drinking water.

Interesting Water Facts

Seven Fascinating Facts About Water

How much do you know about water? Here are seven fascinating facts about H20.

5-Gallon Water Dispensers

Nine Factors to Consider When Buying a Five-Gallon Water Dispenser

Five-gallon home dispensers are a perfect option for home water storage. Here’s what you should know before buying any 5-gallon water dispenser or cooler.

Buying a Whole-House Humidifier

Six Key Things to Consider When Purchasing a Whole-House Humidifier

Buying a whole-house humidifier can be a daunting task if you're a first-time buyer. Here are six key things to consider when buying a humidifier.

Fluoride in Water

Fluoride in Water: The Benefits and Risks of Fluoridation in Water

Fluoridation of public water contributes to dental and bone health for most Americans. Find out more about the pros and cons of fluoride in this article.

Tankless Water Heater Installation

Seven Important Things to Consider about Electric Tankless Water Heater Installation

An electric tankless water heater installation needs expert guidance. Here are some important tips to remember before, during, and after the installation.

Collapsible Water Bottles

Five Things to Know About Collapsible Water Bottles

Are you planning to buy a collapsible water bottle? Here are five things you may not have known about these unique, flexible bottles.

Consequences of Iron in Water

What Are the Harmful Consequences of Iron in Water?

If the water in your home has a metallic taste or a brownish color, it might have a high amount of iron in it. Learn about the negative impacts of iron in water.

Seven Countries with the Worst Water

Traveling Abroad? Seven Countries with the Worst Drinking Water

Sadly, nearly a quarter of the world's population lacks access to clean drinking water. Here's a list of seven countries with the worst water supplies.